Category archives: Blog
Merry Christmas 2013!
- This will only be a very small post..... honestly! I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and also express my thanks for your support this year. 2013, has been an incredible year and I have celebrated many successes of my own and also my photographer friends. Let's see what 2014 wil[...]
Why Photography?
- From a very early age, I loved to create. Academically, art was not my strong point. I could never stay within the constraints of the lesson. My mind would wander off and create, further than my teacher wished to go. My earliest memory of being artful was making a swan using rolled up bits of tissu[...]
- The creative side of photography is naturally the part that I enjoy most. Just simply experiencing places and atmospheres, the emotion they provoke and the inspiration they provide and using my camera to convey this. There is also a social side to being a photographer, not the networking or clien[...]
The industrial estate in winter.
- The thing that I never set out to do, is produce a set of images from the same location with the same style of processing. This is not down to anything other than I like to treat each image as an individual piece, I do this from the start, in my mind when I take the photograph. Part of the enjoyment[...]
Six days of adventure.....
- Tomorrow I will be setting off on our six day road trip through Europe. I have planned some amazing locations and I can't wait to share the images with you guys when I get home. Keep checking in on my Facebook Page to see where I am up to.... I will be sharing images along the way!
Guest Tweeting for @WeRPhotography
- I have been asked by Jim the creator of the 'We Are Photography' twitter account to take the role of guest tweeter from the 24 June to the 30 June. How cool! I will be sharing my own work, the work of other photographers and of course retweeting...... as well as tutorials, reviews and other cool st[...]
Not another photography blog.....
- Why blog? It's a question that I have asked myself over and over for the past year, I want to blog but why! I am on various social media platforms, regularly sharing new images with a few words, so why isn't this enough? The answer for me is simple, the main interaction I have with followers of my[...]
Hello world!
- More stuff coming whilst I build my site :) Lucy Shires