Love and stuff
It’s February, I love February, it’s almost spring!
Also, it’s Valentine’s day this month and moving to Norfolk gave me a lovely addition to our family traditions….. the legendary Jack Valentine. I was a little surprised when we figured out it was a tradition in Norfolk but not across the UK.
In Norfolk in the later eighteenth century, Parson James Woodforde used to give a penny to every child under fourteen in his parish who could say ‘Good morrow Valentine’ on the right day. Perhaps this lead to a further tradition?
During the Victorian times Valentine’s Eve was as important as Christmas in Norfolk. It was a time when gifts were exchanged between loved ones anonymously and children were given gifts by their parents.
This tradition is still present today, with the illusive Jack Valentine (or Old Father Valentine, or Old Mother Valentine) knocking on your door and leaving presents of sweets and other wonderful things on the doorstep for your child to collect. As your child gets older, Jack Valentine becomes more playful often teasing by knocking on the door and not leaving gifts numerous times….. it then becomes more about catching the mischievous figure in action.
Personally, it is a lovely tradition and the children get very excited, I am looking forward to the fun of trying to catch him as Ryan get older. He loves the film Home Alone, so I can only guess how the planning will go.
Love is a blessing x